
August 31, 2021 / Update

JLCSE will introduce full-scale online classes in the A1A2 term of 2021 (Registration will start from September 6th)

To prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infectious disease COVID-19, JLCSE will introduce full-scale online classes in the A1A2 term of 2021.

Online classes use ZOOM


Preparing to take online classes for students.

Zoom How to enter the meeting room.


STAR registration
If you plan to study Japanese at JLCSE, you must be registered for STAR.
To make an account on STAR system click here
Registration period : September 6 – October 15
For new student, the JLCSE administers online placement tests prior to course registration.

UTAS registration 
Please note that credit students must register for both STAR and UTAS.

UTAS registration/adjustment period: October 4  – October 15