Exchange Activities with Oversea Partner Institutions

Exchange Activities with Oversea Partner Institutions

Building networks with partner universities overseas

Currently, The University of Tokyo has partnership agreements with about 120 universities and institutes in about 30 countries/regions in the world in order to promote academic exchange with researchers and international students (see: The Japanese Language Class, School of Engineering (JLCSE) has built networks and shared information with them so that the partner universities overseas that send their exchange students and The University of Tokyo can pursue Japanese language education smoothly. Among them, we visited and reinforced our partnerships with the Japanese programs of the Royal Institute of Technology of Sweden (KTH), the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), École polytechnique, the Department of Engineering of the University of Cambridge, the Faculty of Engineering of Imperial College London (ICL), the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the University of Stuttgart and the Technical University Darmstadt in Europe; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Princeton University and Harvard University in the US; and the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT-Kanpur) and the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT-Bombay) in Asia.

Promoting internationalization of Japanese students

We plan and manage programs to encourage academic exchange in partnership with Japanese language programs at partner universities overseas in order to give Japanese students the opportunity to experience an international academic environment through short-term study-abroad programs, to think about what the significance of study abroad is through interacting with people, and to experience the fun of improving themselves. Students get to experience study-abroad programs by participating in lectures and seminars at partner universities with local students who speak Japanese, giving academic presentations in English, and visiting labs and Japanese language classes. They can make this the first step toward long-term study abroad in the future.

In 2016, the JLCSE took the initiative to launch Hands-on  activities for Japanese language classes at IIT-Kanpur. The Hands-on  activities were offered at the KTH in 2017. These activities were meant to cultivate global awareness by offering Japanese students from The University of Tokyo the opportunity to understand and respect other cultures. We plan and offer academic exchange programs with local international students in Japanese language programs at partner universities overseas as follows:

◆  Overseas Partner University Programs